Monday, January 2, 2012

A Tale Of Madame Royale

So after much contemplating I have decided to post some pages of my fanfic/fictional/historical short story dedicated to the daughter of Marie Antoinette, Madame Royale or in other words Marie Therese.

 I do warn you it is still in it's draft state and must go through plenty of editing. Remember this story is purely for the enjoyment of writing! The facts are a bit mixed in and I still must continue with my research, but for now I hand you my rough draft. 


Marie Therese was not betrothed to Louis Antoine when she was a child. After the revolution Marie married her first cousin in hopes of gaining some power to the throne. It lasted for 20 minutes and the two finally signed a document. I wanted to tamper a bit with some facts so it could suit my taste. Luckily it is still filled with important information

So here it is;

Today is most important. As I my ladies run around the room gathering bows, gowns and cloaks, others powder my face and rub red charcoal around my high cheeks.  Louis Antoine, Duke of Angouleme- my soon to be husband visits today and mother is determined to have him impressed.
“You are most charming” I hear a lady whisper. She curls my hair with her finger smiling into the mirrors reflection. My dear Aunt, Elisabeth is a close friend of mine. She reaches the age of twenty four and is a true and loyal companion. Her looks are quite charming as she has the most pretties blonde mane and darkest brown eyes. She is unmarried just as all her sisters, which makes it more of a goal for mama to have me wedded. “I am nothing but ugly” I scorn at myself. My Aunt gives out a boastful laugh as she clutches me closely. “A beauty you are my dear. You inherit your looks from your mother”. My face softens at the mention of the Queen of France Marie Antoinette, the parent that had given life to me, who had carried me in her womb. 
It is quite true that Marie is a magnificent face, but hated round the country. They name her cruel titles such as; “The other bitch”. I suppose I am not much compared to her. Perhaps they as well taunt me in these words.
“Lady Aunt, why impress a man I have no idea of or how he looks? For all I think, the marriage will end in unhappiness”
“Now Marie Therese, do you truly think a father such as yours would wed his most loved child into such marriage?”
“I see why not. It is a smart move; he gains political power and love from his people.  Do not forget as well   he has a son...a much more important child in a royal family.”
She gasps at this as she shakes her head disapprovingly. “Dear, dear girl...has your mind been tampered with such ill thinking? In a shaky world as now I see no reason why your 4 year old brother could be so powerful. For all we know the people of France can gather in uproar” Her hands play with my golden hair while the other ladies tie a corset around my waist.
“Now look upon at yourself girl. An independent, are a queen my child.” She lifts my chin examining me as if I am a piece of art, her eyes gaze deeply into my sea green ones as a smile cracks upon her face. “Go on your grace, we have finished”

The gathering hall is beautiful, in view and architecture. My father and mother had spent a great deal of wealth into a room such as this and it is quite visible, with a chandelier hanging above the painted dome, a golden staircase twirling around the marble floors and a deep painted blue wall printed with gorgeous wildflowers.
As a group of ladies hang behind me my mother and Father enter the room talking enthusiastically with a young gentleman adorned with a green material. A sudden hush sweeps by the girls as their eyes lay on the handsome man.
“Ah there is my daughter!” The King of France, Louis the sixteenth holds his large nose high as he escorts his lively wife towards me. My mother stares at me confidently giving an approved nod.
“Your Grace” followed by the sound of the ladies behind, we all on cue curtsy deeply as he nods and kisses both my peachy cheeks. “Come stand my pretty little girl” He breaks into a wide grin smile as he holds my slender hands into his large sweaty ones.  I quickly meet the eyes of my 10 year old betrothed.
A man of black hair, blue eyes, and of fair complexion. I feel myself melt but quickly I stand tall and lift my chin to meet his squared jaw.  “Your majesty” He lifts his blue hat and bows just as smoothly as when I raise my hand to his lips, in which he kisses slowly. My heart drops a beat and he gazes back to my shocked face. But cleverly I disguise my look and turn to face the group of mad giggling girls.
Madame Belle” His French needs quite the work but as I learned, I face him and bat my eyes the most prettiest a girl can at the age of seven. In return he gives a proud grin. A sudden warmth blares inside me as I feel the eyes of my mother on my neck and she quickly interferes saving me from further embarrassment. “Shall we show you the gardens?” She inquires.
He turns to answer as his beautiful eyes sweep away to face them. “That would be lovely, your majesty”
So that's it for now...leave some comments below and ideas on what I can prove and if you want more ongoing chapters :)


  1. keep going!It's informative in a non boring way.
    what are you planning on doing next?

  2. Haha thanks :)

    I'll post some other chapters in a few days probably...:D
