Saturday, June 9, 2012


It always fascinated me on how, music changed so quickly. From the classical violin to today's present rapping, music remains a large role in today's society. When thinking on this, I couldn't help but think of my top songs. This was a difficult task, considering all the different and diverse ranges of music there is. So I decided to select some of my favorites (not in order).

And here it is:
5.  Imagine by John Lennon
4. Uptown Girl by Billy Joel (A song so overlooked, that truly is wonderful)
3. Ordinary World by Duran Duran
2. I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash
1. Very Superstitious by Stevie Wonder

I'll provide the links below:

Uptown Girl:
Ordinary World:
I Can See Clearly Now:
Very Superstitious:

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