Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Madame Royale

So, yes days have gone and no post has appeared. I apologize, really. I was piled with all this work, and posting something seemed like an impossibility, so without further ado here is Madame Royale! This week it's really short, compared to my previous posts, and once agian I apologize!

Blast From the Past will be posted very soon!
I'm testing a bit with a little short story, from the view of the warrior of France, Joan of Arc. I will perhaps send it, not yet sure...

Madame Royale

I saddle into my black pony, patting down his dark mane. The muscles move calmly as I rest my head upon his neck. I feel powerful on my beauty. I feel like Joan of Arc.
He lets out a whine and I allow a smile, perhaps the first after the death of Sophie.  “Let us ride my mighty stead!”
With a thunder of feet the guards ride cautiously behind as I speed throughout the gardens of the castle. “Princess Marie Therese slow down!”
But the voice is muffled in the enduring amount of excitement arising inside of my belly. I scream in laughter, as my beauty continues on in rounds of laps and laps. When I finally run out of air I halt and watch as the guards rush franticly behind. “Princess Marie!” It is none other than my lovely Louis Antoine.
I whisper my pride in the strong stead’s ear until I drop carefully from my horse, arranging my skirts most carefully. My chin is brought high into the air revealing my curled lips and Louis notes this back with his radiating grin. “Princess” He tips his hat and I bow deep into a curtsey. “Duke”
I extend out a hand, in which he takes most graciously and he kisses it lightly as he brings me around his elbows. We both exchange the quietest of glances as we make are way round the green hedges and trees. Words are not exchange, and we both keep silent, it is not till when he waves the troops away does he grab me strongly and huffs out quickly. “Your brother, Louis Joseph...the Prince his health has been failing him” He awaits for my sharp tongue to lash out, but instead, taken by surprise he sees me breathing heavily and eyes swelling. “No, lord, not him, anything just not him”
“No, Louis, God leave him! Not my brother!”
“Marie!” His arms come round my waist as he tries to soothe out my uncontrollable wincing. “Marie, he will gain his health” “Shh Marie...”
“I want to see him” I snap. “What?”
“I want to see Louis, now”
“He lays ill in bed, Marie, doctors allow no is for his own good”
I want to see my brother” I bite harshly down into my bitter words, while Louis, begs me to settle. “I bid you good day Duke” I turn on my heels and disappear, before my mind can inflict even more pain on him.

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