Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Tale Of Madame Royale (continued)


“Did you meet your husband?” My Aunt asks.
We sit next to the crackling fire in my bed chambers while she brushes through my hair. I blush a deep red waving the topic away. “Yes, but nothing special”
“Nothing special you say? Well your mind seems to be elsewhere...perhaps thinking of the duke?”
“Auntie!” I exclaim. She gives a shrug and continues stroking. “I meant nothing against you my dear. But I do see you have been stricken by cupid, is this not true?”
I say nothing against her but only allow a small pause before replying. “I will not lie that he is not handsome or proud. But there is a difference between love and lust. I have not known one bit of him therefore I cannot truly declare my heart towards him”
My Aunt remains quiet but allows the slightest smile to crawl on her face when finished she raises to her feet and drops a bow. “How do you know these things my dear child?”
“I learned from the court Lady Aunt”
With that she laughs and embraces me tightly. “You are like a daughter to me my dear, I love you so”
“And you are like a second mother to me” I snuggle my head into her chest as she pats my back. “Goodnight dear, sleep well”
The sudden choir of screams awake me in my sleep as I feel the damp sweat cling to my skin. A few ladies rush in as they kneel down. “Your Grace, Your mother calls...she is in childbirth”
The sudden announcement has me screaming orders for change of clothes.
Why my mother calls a girl that is only seven...I do not know. But I fear the worst, for what if she has a bloody birth as mine? After I was born it was said that only close family member’s would be able to attend the bearings of children. But was I to blame?
“Lady Marie I beg you to stand still” A women purses her lips waiting for some sort of temper tantrum to explode from me, but I remain quiet allowing her to continue.  Once finished I rush out the bed chambers, alongside with the helpers.
When the room is finally reached the ladies bow deeply and scurry off into different directions as if they are some lost mice. My father stands weakly in the middle of the room as he begs for me to join his side. Obeying I come forward. Alongside the king are his advisors and wet nurses as they hold tightly to the yelling Queen. “Mother?” I whimper. Father hushes me calmly reassuring that things will all be well.
But the annual screams cause me nothing but pain and uncontrollable wincing. “Mama...” Leaving my papa’s side I kneel before her weak body clutching tightly to her shaky hands. “My sweet daughter...” She cries as her grip hardens and I bite at my lip to contain the agony I feel inside of me. “One more push” the ladies cheer.
I feel my hand squash as my mother shuts her eyes and screams until the sudden cries of a baby interrupts her. Her grip loosens and she relaxes finally. Wet nurses rush to her aid as they take hold of the child and clean it carefully until a women rushes in to face both the king and Queen. “Well...?” My father questions anxiously. The lady smiles happily with her cheeks glowing a bright pink and for that there are no words to be spoken for my father breaks into a joyous laugh. “My dear Marie, dear, dear Marie” He kisses her hand until the baby is brought and papa announces with great happiness “Louis it shall be, are baby boy will be called Louis”
On hearing the news brother is in great joy, for now he has another companion to play his toys with. As I sit with him and read out loud the ladies smile cooing over the newborn. “Sister?” my brother asks. “Yes child?”
“Shall mama and papa forget about me?”
I find myself smiling as I kneel by his side. “Of course not, you are the king Louis’s first son” My lips press against his warm forehead as he nestles into my arm. “I love you sister”My lips stay shut as I clutch his pale hands. “I love you as well my beloved brother”
When I return reading to my book Madame de Rambaud enters the room clutching onto the Prince. At once Louis and I bow the most gracefully we can and rise the quicker. “Madame” I smile, she curtseys in return and brother chirps as he walks over to the baby. “Louis be careful!” I warn as I soon join him.
The lady fixates her grey eyes onto me smiling proudly at my maturity. She sweeps her black curls from her pale face as she carefully hands the child into my arms. With the most utter amazement I take the squirming baby finding myself melt. Such beauty...
“Let me see sister!” Louis tugs at my arm and I scream in fear turning to lecture him. “Louis be gentle, you’ll hurt your sibling, you do not want that right?”
His sweet face drops as he nods. “No sister” “Now come...” I allow my tone to become gentler as his warm fingers press down on my skin allowing me to lower the child. Louis stares in curiosity until his attention dies out and he rushes back to play with his toys. 
  “Thank you Madame” I grant her a warm smile and she returns one back. Once she takes the baby from my hands I reseat myself next to Louis allowing my fingers to play with his blonde curls. “You are so young and they expect so much” of course he hears nothing of my mutters and continues on with his gun shooting noises.
 Any idea's for improvement? Suggestions? Should I continue? Leave a comment down below!!!

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