Friday, January 20, 2012

Madame Royale

Next chapter is here! A blast from the past will come out soon!!!

Aunt Elisabeth braids my golden hair carefully as she speaks in a hushed tone of the uprisings in nearby cities. “There is nothing to fear, my Marie. Your father and his council have spoken of this and settled of their plans. All will be as once more, and we all will be merry. You shall wed, Sophie will have her birthday...” her voice sounds timid as her hands shake. “All will be well”
“I wish mother and father do not spend so much money on ridiculous things” I scowl. Last week mama had bathed in strawberries as the peasants scurried round the villages picking crumbs, such horrible thinking.  My Aunt turns me and stares seriously as her eyebrows crease and her mouth frowns. “Marie, you never ever talk of them here, or outside these walls, understood? You may be a princess, but the consequences can still result in the same”
I wriggle out her grip obeying with a bow. “Apologizes Auntie, goodnight” kneeling before her, she kisses my forehead and disappears out the chambers.
And as soon as my ladies help me into bed, the rooms darken and I am left alone, left with fear, and ultimately leaving me to question my loyalty to my family.
Louis Joseph, dear brother has sent me baskets of roses and as his messy printing says my soon-to-be husband and younger sibling has helped. This causes me to smile as I play with the petals.
But my dreamy thoughts are soon interrupted when Auntie Slams open the door rushing upon my side. The ladies bow deeply and I nod for them to rise. “What is it Lady Aunt?”
“Get dressed quickly girl, your mother has called on for a party”
I can’t help but feel my anger rush across my face as I clutch tightly to the edge of the wooden table. But knowing well enough, that my cries of anger will do no good I bite deeply into my lips as the blood stains. “Very well, if mother has ordered this, then I shall oblige”
The room is filled with a heavy scent of alcohol and cigars. The women and gentlemen of the court deal at cards and the music blares.
My parents turn from their enthusiastic conversation as they bid me to come. With a deep huff I move gracefully forward along with my ladies and when I approach I bow swiftly to the duke and their highnesses. “Hello Marie” Father smells of sweat and beer. But kindly I ignore and smile brightly. “Father, Mother, Duke”
“Such a pretty rose you have grown into” The dukes harsh humour is as disgusting as his behaviour. It seems his eyes wander too far. But mother is sharp tongued. “She is, is she not? She is to be wedded to the Duke Louis Antoine”
“Louis Antoine? Hmm a man of High class”
I bite back the bitter taste on my tongue as I curtsey and stand over the banquet hall. To my surprise, I feel the warm finger tips of Louis. The hatred washes away so quickly that I feel myself rush into his arms breathing so happily; “My god you have no idea how happy I am to see you”
Louis breaks apart examining me closely. “The duke is right; you have grown into a pure French rose”  
  “Shut up!” I giggle. He smiles so warmly leaving me to ponder his new features. The naive boy has disappeared and been left with a man of pride. His once tiny body has been replaced with great height and slimness. It seems he now towers over me. But it never minds me, I feel much secure now in his presence and protected.
“Milady, may I ask for a dance?”
I grab hold of his hands and nod graciously. “It would be an honour and may I thank you for the casket of flowers”
He nods his head lightly and leads me away.
When we face each other, I pick at the tips of my skirts and dabble a bit with my feet as I circle around him closely. The two of us can’t help but break into grins as the music is brought roaring to a rapid speed and we both tap our shoes against the marbles and clap loudly along.
The audience of guest cheer in delight whispering of the great match between us. Some even decide to join us, but in that night we are invincible. Perhaps I will only ever feel that way, and so with a great air I take it in. I take it all in, because for just that night I know nothing bad will come.

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