Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Interview with Elizabeth Woodville (From the novel The White Queen)

It is an honor to meet you your majesty.
It is a pleasure as well.

Now I have a few questions to ask...if you do mind?

No, please do presume I shall listen most carefully.

Thank you. Now during the time period of the novel "The White Queen" the country is on the brink of war. Readers first meet you as a financially unstable widow trying to gather a certain mans attention for help. A young boy known by the title...King Edward IV. Now, I am most curious of your past life before your introduction to his grace. Can you please tell us?

I was born in 1437 at Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire as a daughter to my dear parents, Richard Woodville and Jacquette of Luxembourg. I was wedded to Sir John Grey and issued two of my beloved sons, Richard and Thomas. My husband was killed in the war and I was left a widow, with two children to tend for and no money on my side. It was decided when Edward took the throne that I would stand roadside and await to beg for help.

Was it really true love? And what happened after the meet?

It was indeed. I thought to trick him with some sort of love potion (stirred up my mother) but I instantly drowned when meeting his beautiful eyes. He loved me the same and so he stayed to dine with me at my home. When a deal was finally settled he walked round the gardens with my arms around his. I feel shamed to say so, but Edward attempted to bed with me. The charm speaking skill of his instantly had me falling head over heels. It was then when my senses came to me that I did the only courageous thing I could do, I  lashed his dagger out daring to slit my throat. He called for treason and disappeared so quickly I thought of never seeing his lovely face again. Not until a few days we met and we both confessed of our undying love that had caused us of fever and hunger. We later married in secret exchanging vows and spent an honeymoon in a lodge by the rivers. 

When crowned Queen and given birth to you first daughter, Elizabeth of York did Edward have some sort of slight disappoint or you?

The ladies had informed me of the gender of my child when I finished giving birth. But after holding my beautiful Elizabeth in my hands I had no such fear of Edward's disappointment and so it seems neither did he. He treated her and loved her just as if she were a boy. We were after all, both young and still able to have a prince and heir to the throne. When my long annual pregnancies came close to an ending a boy had come to the family, and once again all was well just as it was before.  Elizabeth, just as I expected turned as pretty as a delicate rose... and so did all the children.

Thank you Elizabeth, your highness it was a great honor meeting you.

You are much too kind, It was a great pleasure being here.

So there you have it, an interview with the "White Queen". Stay tuned for some more reviews and meetings with other family royalties, perhaps even an English Tudor...Anne Boleyn?



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