Sunday, January 8, 2012

Madame Royale and News!

Yes, I know I've been delaying and I promise that the chapters will be posted right now, but I did as well want to bring news that may or may not excite you. I've decided to do a short piece of historic figures brought into the 21st century!

I will update soon on the news...but for now I present you the next chapter of the tragic Madame Royale!!!

“Another uprising...” I feel my voice drift away as my Aunt Elisabeth strokes my hair gently. She gazes off sighing deeply. “There is nothing to worry; your father will tend to those matters...Now a girl your age should be playing with dolls and gowns, not sneaking her nose around family business” She snaps. I know she means this in no way to offend me, for in her own she is trying to sooth me.
“I know...but it’s been happing so often I worry that one day they will storm the palace...and perhaps take my brother from me”
“No such thing will happen with the King on the throne”
“Auntie...” A tear trickles down my face as I turn to face her. “I cannot stand it if they were to take Louis from me. He is oh so young, and my brother. I’ve watched him grow with alongside papa and mama and I kept him safe from all those cruel things in the world”. My aunt grows dark and she quickly holds onto my small hands. “God bless you” is all she says before mother enters insisting we speak, alone.
“Madame Rambaud tells me about you and Louis” Queen Marie plays with my curls as she smiles in the mirrors reflection. “She says you’ve matured so much, she says you take good care of your brother” Her head rests back as she smiles proudly. Mother is yet pregnant again, carrying a baby in her womb.  Another prince is suspected- which causes are Uncle to snarl, for he is now third in line for the throne. “Darling, do you feel jealous for them? Please do tell me, I feel we have spoiled the boys too much” I feel a sudden startle as I shake my head quickly. “Of course not, I love them... how can I feel envy? They are boys after all, the heirs to the throne and I’ve learned to respect that”
“Marie Therese you shall make a fine wife for the Duke, my beauty” She traces my pale face then plants a kiss on my forehead. “I love you my princess so does your father” and without another word she rises as I bow a deep curtsey. “Come daughter walk with me”
Obeying I come to face her eyes as she hugs me warmly. After we link arms and stroll down the white marble halls as she begins to speak of renovations of the palace. “Perhaps changing the blue to a pretty yellow...” She places her hand onto the walls feeling the material. “And perhaps changing the stamp”
“Into a dove...” I suggest she turns and nods. “Precisely... a dove”
“Ahh the symbol of the goddess of love is it not?”
The voice causes me to wince as I turn to find the Duke himself standing before us. I feel the sudden pink flush on my cheeks and I try my hardest to contain it into its pale colour. Mother of course allows only the slightest grin and I feel my eyes widened. She had planned this, everything.
“I must be going, good bye dear” She allows me to bow finding the hard glare of mine, blazing on the back of her neck.
“Princess” Now it is the dukes turn as he bows and I allow him to rise with a slight dignity left in me. “You look beautiful ...”
“I feel most grateful...” I reply as I continue my walk over to the paintings. His scurrying sounds behind me as I try to keep a distance.  “An extraordinary picture tis not?”
He stares at my studying face until he breaks into his broad smile. “You seem dazed, Mademoiselle”
“I am...”surprised suddenly at my own confidence I try my hardest to act natural and continue on swiftly. “See that blue is so beautifully mixed with white, and that oceans texture is dotted to give it a feel, I presume it was painted by Louise-Elisabeth VigĂ©e-Lebrun...she had given a portrait of my mother before” the name seems to hang in the air before the duke speaks so gently I feel my knees are made of jelly. “A great artist take great deal in fine arts do you not?”
I meet his stare and nod slowly. “I hope to paint every day, and not care for the stains on my clothing...or on my face”
“I promise when we wed I shall create a studio for you...a personal room”
My head swirls to face him and I whisper the most quietly I can; “Thank you”
After a few words are exchanged I excuse myself for the day and bid him goodbye. Though, he catches my hand and begs to meet me tomorrow morning near the gardens. I agree, but with doubt completely.

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