Sunday, January 15, 2012

Madame Royale

Yes, the days have gone and no post have come. Apologizes, I was wrapped up with too much work. But with out further duo here is the next chapter of Madame Royale:

The sun rays stream across the room as I shield my eyes. Maids pester me with clothing and my Aunt laces up the strings of my dress. A day of distress and chaos, all for a simple meet with a boy who is far more interested in war games then girls. Of course this is the Queens orders, that I am to be properly groomed and dressed. I must have the prettiest pink cheeks, the softest hair, and the most elegant dress. I must present myself with grace and confidence. I must be the most perfect.
Elisabeth smiles at my nervous expression and laughs bitterly. “You have not much to worry, you are pretty my darling”
My golden ringlets are quickly swiped from my face and pulled tightly into a blue hat. “You must not forget to smile, and laugh think of it as a performance. You are acting my dear”
“A play that will go must terrible I presume...” When they place a pearl necklace around my neck I rise and all fall silent. “Thank you madams, I think I am finished”
Aunt clutches me tightly and allows herself to carefully watch me. “Go Marie, he awaits”
He sits there so tall, leaning against the tree trunk gazing over the blue lake. The red roses and violets brush against his thigh as the green grass prickles under his feet. A boy filled with excitement and adventure.
I feel myself blush with shyness when suddenly his eyes meet mine. Quickly slipping into his blue shoes he rushes over by my side and grabs for my hands. “Marie I must show you something”. With a nod he tugs me over to the lake and quickly seats me onto the bed of flowers.
“I have brought you a sketch pad and ink; I thought you may want to draw the lake...just as Louise Elisabeth”
“Louis you did not have to...”
“But I did”
“Thank you” I smile brightly and kiss him briskly on his cheek.  A flare of red appears on his face and he quickly hides it by turning his head away from mine.  
I continue to face the blank page as I trace the lines gently on the sketch pad. Louis then looks over as his cold breath shivers up my spine. “Do you not want to play with my brothers?” I question. “It is much relaxing watching you, I’d rather sit here.”
It is my turn to flush and gently settling the paper to the grass I grab hold of his small 10 year old hands. “You will make a good husband” my voice whispers.
He then winces and quietly speaks. “And you a good wife”
Two years has passed, and I have since then aged to nine. Louis, my dear brother is six and my younger sibling is two. Are new little bundle has joined us, gone by the name Sophie. She is a fragile little thing so it seems. Her health seems to be poor and the doctors tell us nothing but to pray that the lord will keep her on earth.
Mother takes a great deal in her, visits her each day and rocks her in her arms. They say she has even arranged that her favourite painter, Louise Elisabeth to visit and paint the portrait of Sophie. I bite bitterly at my tongue as my heart feels with complete envy. I lived to be raised alongside with two brothers, and I was nurtured as the girl of the family, the Madame Royale. Now they have given birth to the another and it seems I am not much but a grown women meant to be wedded by now.
I cannot say that I do not love her though.  She smiles when spotting me grabbing hold to the rails and beaming for me to lift her. With a blessing from mother I hold the gentle creature smothering her with little kisses. She flies her arms in laughter and gurgles until the wet nurses enter wrapping her once more in warm blankets.
“Come Marie, we must go”
And as I turn once more to wave to my sister she bursts into a sudden ongoing sound of cries. Leaving me to pray.
God keep her, keep my family in one.

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