Thursday, January 26, 2012

Madame Royale

So I just wanted to say, wow thank you! 51 views! I am so grateful and like I have said before honored! But please, then again feel free to leave some comments!
Well without further udo, here is Madame Royale.

Lord, has taken her away. After kneeling for hours in the chapel, God has taken my sister from me. There shall no longer be a daughter of France, or a sister that I can nestle into my arms and coo over. No more of her nagging needs, no longer her bright toothless smile.
The court plunges into deep mourning, especially mother. The occasional parties has disappeared and been replaced with a palace of depression, of lost.  As I spend my lonely days upon the church grounds muttering words of Christ, Louis Antoine joins my side. I lift at my black veil, cross myself and rise. “She is now safe in heaven; she is living looking down upon us. She is watching over.”
“God keeps her safe, Marie. She will grow into an angel”
“I know” I turn to face his soft face, until I sweep off the marble floors. He gently grabs my hands and holds me into a tight embrace. “God keep you”
“And God bless you”
He kisses my head, and in brotherly affection, allows me to nestle into his shoulder. It is then when the nuns enter, we walk hand in hand out.
“Her portrait...” My hands play with the textures of the drawing as mother allows a sniffle. “Louise Elisabeth has painted well, once again. She has kept my baby with me”
“She who was a princess on earth will be princess in heaven” My voice falters as I turn painfully from the painting. It reminds me to much of her round face, too much of her brilliant brown eyes, too much of her little wailing hands.
“The court waits for another child...” My mother lets out a quiet sob as she wipes off her tears with her handkerchief. “But Marie, I cannot bear to lose any more children.  I just cannot bear it”. I turn, facing towards her and give a ghostly smile. “I understand Mama...we all loved her. Sometimes I sit in my room and see her there...laughing, giggling”
She holds me in a tight embrace patting down my golden hair. “I do too, Marie. I see her in my arms, I see her flap her hand around the room.” Her hands push and she sighs as she brushes my cheeks. “I still have you though; I still have my little darling”
“But I am not Sophie...” My throat tightens and I know I have spoke wrongfully, but it is merely true.
Quickly, her face feels with remorse and she seats herself in an arm chair. “Leave”
As the ladies wipe a black cloak around my neck, and tie my hair high in a bun, Lady Becket reads aloud from the bible. I listen quietly, thinking of my little angelic sister, above in the clouds. But my body cringes and a lady snaps viciously at my posture. “Straight! You are a princess!”
This causes me to abandon my thoughts and retrieve new ones. Time is soon to come, and I shall be married to Louis, though due to the turbulence in the country the marriage has been at delay. My companions even speak of rumours that Louis Father has not been able to gain the exchange of wealth and so I am to be bestowed upon the pig like duke of Orleans. He comes from a rich blood line, but notorious as well, especially for the taste of women.
I am also hardly even half his age, and it seems for an unsuitable match. By the time I am only twenty he shall be in his late forties.
The life in his household, I can only imagine will be cruel and depressing as well. I shall live with few ladies, a boasting drunken husband who is everything but gentle and caring. I will be left in shadows as I watch him bring whores into our castle. And I will have the pressure of producing a male heir to the earldom. But then I remember that I am Madame Royale, the kings’ precious daughter. Any harm that I will be inflicted he will indorse back.  Perhaps he will lose that pretty little head of his as well.
“Amen” The bang of the closing book, snaps me from my deep thinking and gaze of dazedly off into the distance. “Amen” I whisper under my breath.

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