Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Blast from the Past

As promised.

Anne Boleyn: *huffing* Get her out of my sight!
Elizabeth Tudor: Mother, calm, steady breathes...
Catherine of Aragon: *Ignoring the commotion* So Jane how do you fair?
Jane Seymour: *seating herself* Fine, and you?
Catherine of Aragon: Tired, I could not sleep
Mary Tudor: Neither could I. Oh Jane I've missed you and so has Edward! 
Jane Seymour: *Plasters a demure smile* So have I dear.
Henry VIII: *Comes bursting in* AH MY SWEET JANEY! 
Jane Seymour: Majesty
Anne Boleyn: Oh please, must you act so mousy? Get a back bone!
Elizabeth Tudor: Mother?!
Marie Antoinette: I think I shall go discuss a bit with Julius Caesar
Julius: Yes, Cleopatra come join us and Isabelle of Castile if you'd please
Cleopatra: *Smiles dashingly* Why of course, Alexander the great would not mind if I took a break
Isabelle of Castile: *Shrugging* I see why not. Now let's seat next to Napoleon, I have war tactics to discuss.
Anne Boleyn: *Scorns* I think I shall join as well. Arthur would you join?
Arthur: Of course Madame and your beautiful daughter as well? 
Elizabeth Tudor: *Laughing* Flattery does not suit you sir
Arthur: It was worth a try
Maire Antoinette: *Sighing* I think I shall seat with Rasputin. Looking at the man that preceded after my head was swiped from my neck leaves a unsettling feeling in my stomach.
Isabelle of Castile: As you please, daughter shall you join?
Catherine of Aragon: I shall stay here to chat with Arthur
Arthur:*Stops Following Anne* Alright.
Anne Boleyn: *Glaring at Jane Seymour* wait one second my darling Bessy
Anne Boleyn: No it is not! Come over here you stealing husband, bloody, schemer! 
Jane Seymour: You are angry because I gave birth to a son! Something Henry always wanted!
Anne Boleyn: Ha! I should care less my Lizzy created the golden age! Become the greatest ruler known to man!
Henry VIII: ladies no need to fight
Anne and Jane: SHUT UP HENRY!

Catherine of Aragon: Do you ever think of what would have happened had we married
Arthur: I would have treated you with the most respect *smiling*
Catherine of Aragon: And would you have accepted Mary as you true heir if I had given birth to no other child
Arthur: Of course! 
Catherine of Aragon: *Sigh* We shall never know
Arthur: No we shan't 
Catherine of Aragon: Perhaps life would be more peaceful *gazes to Jane and Anne*

Isabelle of Castile: BRILLIANT! You sir are a genius I should have thought of that
Napoleon: Thank you Madame ze is the most kindest of compliments *grins*
*At other Table*
Marie Antoinette: I don't have an appetite today
Rasputin: May I? *Pokes at her plate*
Marie Antoinette: Of course *observing at Napoleon* He does not recognize me!
Rasputin: ?

Jane Seymour: It is not fair why should you have a whole website dedicated to you?
Anne Boleyn: What feeling Jealous?
Jane Seymour: NO! I gave birth to a son
Anne Boleyn: A boy who was ruled over by his Uncles.
Henry VIII: Janey, my sweet, let us go
Jane Seymour: NO!
Anne Boleyn: Hmph not sweet anymore is she Henry?
Elizabeth Tudor: This is getting ridiculous, Mama I will be in my room Adieu!
*Enters at the west wing pressing at the button*
Unknown: In a rush dear?
Elizabeth: *Muttering* No, no
Unknown: Love, have you missed me?
Elizabeth:  Missed you? *Looks up* Oh my god! Robert Dudley what in heavens are you doing here!
Robert: Joining in on the fun, you know I can't resist
Elizabeth: *Sighing* This is going to be really complicated....

That's it for now. I'll try update soon, so enjoy your week and remember till next time...

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