Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Survival Quiz

So after weeks of testing and checking out quizzes I thought about and gave it a go. Now I will ask strange questions...or offer weird answers, but the choice is yours...


 The year is 1545
You are a pretty lady at court under the favor of the king Henry VIII and perhaps even his eye. It seems he has surfaced the idea of wedding....will you survive this man's marriage? Will you keep your head intact?

You'll just have to wait and see....

Questions #1: It is a hot summers day at the gardens and you and Henry are indulging into discussion when suddenly Henry questions your faith. You;
A. Proclaim that you are a firm Catholic
B. Confess that you are Protestant
Or C. Tell him that you are a firm follower of the church of England

Question #2:
All hail Queen you!
After a humble of weeks Henry has asked for your hand and proclaimed you Queen of England. Sadly Henry has quickly taken in a mistress. You;
A. Lash out in jealous rage
B. Ignore the affair and turn your head
Or C. Await to have the girl alone, then rip out those pretty locks!

Question #3
Henry seems to flourish a certain family of high class. Your friends complain of this injustice. You;
A. Cleverly slither the topic with Henry during a discussion and change his mind
B. Ignore! I don't want to risk losing my head!
Or C.  Create a burning argument until both you are worn out and leave in a tired fury

Question #4
You are ordered to Henry's chambers were he lies ill. He begs of some entertainment. You;
A. Read the bible aloud
B. Dance and discuss of the new clothing in France and Burgundy
Or C. Play him a soft tune on your lute until he has fallen asleep

Question #5
You awake one tired morning to find yourself in a terrible state. Hearing upon Henry's request to visit you stumble to get ready. But not much time awaits. You;
A. Bathe in donkey milk
B.Supply yourself with pomanders with musk
Or C. Simply do nothing

Question #6
As Henry and you sit alongside the grass enjoying cups of tea, guards barge through revealing a arrest warrant. The king stays steady while you suppress your nerves. You;
A. Beg forgiveness from the king, for what deed you have ever done that may have displeased him so
B. Weep gently turning to the broken lord.
Or C. Sweep away with the guards without any sort of acknowledgement to Henry

Last Question
Henry's family is at it's ruins. You are caught in between and must find a way to respond. You;
A. Ask that the king may bring all his children to court for the Christmas
B. Visit without his majesty's permission
Or C. Spoil Edward, the prince and ignore the daughters.

1. C (confessing you're a protestant will probably cause you to be in flames...literally)
2. B (Best to be silent, Henry is quite notorious for his temper)
3. B or A (Preferably B)
4. C (Henry takes enjoyment in theatrics and music. Fashion will just bore him)
5. B (Donkey's milk is quite effective, but will take a while. And C...that just simply not a good answer)
6. A (If your dealing with your life at the hands of Henry...Fight for it! Shower him with compliments or proclaim yourself his loyal loving wife...something like that)
7. A (Show equal love to all of them. Try to reconnect this broken family)

Well that's it, hope you survived this mans marriage life. Quite the stress isn't it? Let's just hope he won't get married again.

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