Sunday, June 3, 2012


No word's can explain my horrid behavior. But I will try.

I am so dearly sorry for not publishing a post for over so a month. Thank you for my reader's who, or may not, be still following my blog. I was unable to maintain a balance between my work and hobbies, so posting an article seemed like a far away dream.

Never the less here I am with my new topic.

William Shakespeare.

Today, I strolled on by a store when spotting one of his stories, laid neatly on a set of books. My curiosity getting the better of me, I headed in, picking up the clean copy. It was King Lear.

I you are not familiar with the story, it runs on the lines of a mad king splitting his land with his two wicked daughters while the angelic one is left owner less. He eventually loses his marbles and his daughters.

I was shocked to find a book, so old still found in stocks of stores. Maybe it's me? But then, I entertained the notion that other novels (*cough Twilight*) remain such big franchises, only to be forgotten after a few months.

So I took on the task to write out a small scene of King Lear (abridged). Enjoy.

Narrator: In ancient Britain, the great old king Lear planned to subside from his throne and share out his kingdom with his three daughter.
Lear: Bring me forth a map. Now tell me daughter's, which loves me most
Narrator: First Goneril stepped forward
Goneril: You majesty, I love you dearer than eyesight, than life, with grace, health, beauty, honor. As much as a child ever loved (Shakespeare Words)
(Lear hands her a piece of the map)
Lear: Such a great daughter! Obviously takes after me, you shall be queen from this line to this.
Goneril: Thank you
Lear: Regan come forth!
Regan: Ditto to what Goneril said
Lear: How lovely, I make you queen of the third of the kingdom.
Narrator: Next came sweet Cordelia who loved him more than words can say. So when he came to her side and said...
Lear: Speak now child or forever hold your peace!
Narrator: She said...
Cordelia: Nothing, father.
Lear: Nothing?!
Cordelia: Nothing
Lear: Nothing will come out of nothing! Speak again!
Narrator: But then again, like I said, no words could express her love. Anyhow the king was furious.
Lear: Get out of my sight!
Cordelia: I take my leave, sire.
(Cordelia leaves, whilst Lear rips her part of the map in two and hands them to Goneril and Regan. They grasp at it greedily while Lear leaves)
Narrator: And so the kingdom has been split, but if Lear is to think that Goneril and Regan will take care of him, he is very wrong...

So that's it for now I hope you enjoyed and see you next time!
Apologizes once again

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