Thursday, January 26, 2012

Madame Royale

So I just wanted to say, wow thank you! 51 views! I am so grateful and like I have said before honored! But please, then again feel free to leave some comments!
Well without further udo, here is Madame Royale.

Lord, has taken her away. After kneeling for hours in the chapel, God has taken my sister from me. There shall no longer be a daughter of France, or a sister that I can nestle into my arms and coo over. No more of her nagging needs, no longer her bright toothless smile.
The court plunges into deep mourning, especially mother. The occasional parties has disappeared and been replaced with a palace of depression, of lost.  As I spend my lonely days upon the church grounds muttering words of Christ, Louis Antoine joins my side. I lift at my black veil, cross myself and rise. “She is now safe in heaven; she is living looking down upon us. She is watching over.”
“God keeps her safe, Marie. She will grow into an angel”
“I know” I turn to face his soft face, until I sweep off the marble floors. He gently grabs my hands and holds me into a tight embrace. “God keep you”
“And God bless you”
He kisses my head, and in brotherly affection, allows me to nestle into his shoulder. It is then when the nuns enter, we walk hand in hand out.
“Her portrait...” My hands play with the textures of the drawing as mother allows a sniffle. “Louise Elisabeth has painted well, once again. She has kept my baby with me”
“She who was a princess on earth will be princess in heaven” My voice falters as I turn painfully from the painting. It reminds me to much of her round face, too much of her brilliant brown eyes, too much of her little wailing hands.
“The court waits for another child...” My mother lets out a quiet sob as she wipes off her tears with her handkerchief. “But Marie, I cannot bear to lose any more children.  I just cannot bear it”. I turn, facing towards her and give a ghostly smile. “I understand Mama...we all loved her. Sometimes I sit in my room and see her there...laughing, giggling”
She holds me in a tight embrace patting down my golden hair. “I do too, Marie. I see her in my arms, I see her flap her hand around the room.” Her hands push and she sighs as she brushes my cheeks. “I still have you though; I still have my little darling”
“But I am not Sophie...” My throat tightens and I know I have spoke wrongfully, but it is merely true.
Quickly, her face feels with remorse and she seats herself in an arm chair. “Leave”
As the ladies wipe a black cloak around my neck, and tie my hair high in a bun, Lady Becket reads aloud from the bible. I listen quietly, thinking of my little angelic sister, above in the clouds. But my body cringes and a lady snaps viciously at my posture. “Straight! You are a princess!”
This causes me to abandon my thoughts and retrieve new ones. Time is soon to come, and I shall be married to Louis, though due to the turbulence in the country the marriage has been at delay. My companions even speak of rumours that Louis Father has not been able to gain the exchange of wealth and so I am to be bestowed upon the pig like duke of Orleans. He comes from a rich blood line, but notorious as well, especially for the taste of women.
I am also hardly even half his age, and it seems for an unsuitable match. By the time I am only twenty he shall be in his late forties.
The life in his household, I can only imagine will be cruel and depressing as well. I shall live with few ladies, a boasting drunken husband who is everything but gentle and caring. I will be left in shadows as I watch him bring whores into our castle. And I will have the pressure of producing a male heir to the earldom. But then I remember that I am Madame Royale, the kings’ precious daughter. Any harm that I will be inflicted he will indorse back.  Perhaps he will lose that pretty little head of his as well.
“Amen” The bang of the closing book, snaps me from my deep thinking and gaze of dazedly off into the distance. “Amen” I whisper under my breath.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A blast from the Past

Julius Caesar: Yes, Yes no need to excite it is I, great Roman Ruler Julius Caesar
Anne Boleyn: Well what is a great ruler such as yourself doing here then?
Julius: No Idea, to be honest. It seems, while I was devouring at grapes some hand had plucked me and threw me here.
Mary Tudor: It must have been the lord. Only he can do such things *smiles thoughtfully*
Elizabeth Tudor: I see you still have strong faith, sister
Mary Tudor: Well of course, God is our leader, our life
Anne Boleyn: No wonder you hated  me
Anne: Shut up Henry. Thank goodness you aren't -alive anymore. Poor, poor wives.
Catherine of Aragon: I imagine he'd be by wife number...hmm what would you say Anne?
Anne: *Smirks* thirty
Marie Antoinette: My god! What a pig, my husband was always so faithful to me.
Anne Boleyn: What luck!
Marie Antoinette: It would have been a nice life, well if we hadn't lost our heads
Anne: *Pats her back* It's fine, I know how it exactly  feels *Shots a glare at Henry*
Anne: You knew those charges were false, you idiot!
Isabelle: *Pondering* Perhaps I can find a job as a solider, then command a vast army!
*Anne and Henry continue Arguing*
Elizabeth Tudor: Mother was always so cunning *smiles* Tell him off mother!
Henry: *shocked* My Bessie saying such words! I am so aghast!
Mary Tudor: Perhaps, mama we should leave...
Catherine: I agree...
Julius: Can I please just continue my story!? You'd think people would have more grace to such a powerful leader!
Marie Antoinette: I was the last Queen of France, I was a legacy. They even still preserve my home! *grins* I think people should respect me more!
*All attention turns to door*
Elizabeth: Is it just me or is the setting changing?
Anne Boleyn: And is that Cleopatra and Alexander the great?
Marie Antoinette: Err...I think that's actually a car...
Henry: Oh....

Will they figure out how to live in a city, such as New York? Will they have to learn how to use sinks, toilette's, and hotels? Will they encounter more figures on their way?

Find out soon on...


Friday, January 20, 2012

Madame Royale

Next chapter is here! A blast from the past will come out soon!!!

Aunt Elisabeth braids my golden hair carefully as she speaks in a hushed tone of the uprisings in nearby cities. “There is nothing to fear, my Marie. Your father and his council have spoken of this and settled of their plans. All will be as once more, and we all will be merry. You shall wed, Sophie will have her birthday...” her voice sounds timid as her hands shake. “All will be well”
“I wish mother and father do not spend so much money on ridiculous things” I scowl. Last week mama had bathed in strawberries as the peasants scurried round the villages picking crumbs, such horrible thinking.  My Aunt turns me and stares seriously as her eyebrows crease and her mouth frowns. “Marie, you never ever talk of them here, or outside these walls, understood? You may be a princess, but the consequences can still result in the same”
I wriggle out her grip obeying with a bow. “Apologizes Auntie, goodnight” kneeling before her, she kisses my forehead and disappears out the chambers.
And as soon as my ladies help me into bed, the rooms darken and I am left alone, left with fear, and ultimately leaving me to question my loyalty to my family.
Louis Joseph, dear brother has sent me baskets of roses and as his messy printing says my soon-to-be husband and younger sibling has helped. This causes me to smile as I play with the petals.
But my dreamy thoughts are soon interrupted when Auntie Slams open the door rushing upon my side. The ladies bow deeply and I nod for them to rise. “What is it Lady Aunt?”
“Get dressed quickly girl, your mother has called on for a party”
I can’t help but feel my anger rush across my face as I clutch tightly to the edge of the wooden table. But knowing well enough, that my cries of anger will do no good I bite deeply into my lips as the blood stains. “Very well, if mother has ordered this, then I shall oblige”
The room is filled with a heavy scent of alcohol and cigars. The women and gentlemen of the court deal at cards and the music blares.
My parents turn from their enthusiastic conversation as they bid me to come. With a deep huff I move gracefully forward along with my ladies and when I approach I bow swiftly to the duke and their highnesses. “Hello Marie” Father smells of sweat and beer. But kindly I ignore and smile brightly. “Father, Mother, Duke”
“Such a pretty rose you have grown into” The dukes harsh humour is as disgusting as his behaviour. It seems his eyes wander too far. But mother is sharp tongued. “She is, is she not? She is to be wedded to the Duke Louis Antoine”
“Louis Antoine? Hmm a man of High class”
I bite back the bitter taste on my tongue as I curtsey and stand over the banquet hall. To my surprise, I feel the warm finger tips of Louis. The hatred washes away so quickly that I feel myself rush into his arms breathing so happily; “My god you have no idea how happy I am to see you”
Louis breaks apart examining me closely. “The duke is right; you have grown into a pure French rose”  
  “Shut up!” I giggle. He smiles so warmly leaving me to ponder his new features. The naive boy has disappeared and been left with a man of pride. His once tiny body has been replaced with great height and slimness. It seems he now towers over me. But it never minds me, I feel much secure now in his presence and protected.
“Milady, may I ask for a dance?”
I grab hold of his hands and nod graciously. “It would be an honour and may I thank you for the casket of flowers”
He nods his head lightly and leads me away.
When we face each other, I pick at the tips of my skirts and dabble a bit with my feet as I circle around him closely. The two of us can’t help but break into grins as the music is brought roaring to a rapid speed and we both tap our shoes against the marbles and clap loudly along.
The audience of guest cheer in delight whispering of the great match between us. Some even decide to join us, but in that night we are invincible. Perhaps I will only ever feel that way, and so with a great air I take it in. I take it all in, because for just that night I know nothing bad will come.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Madame Royale

Yes, the days have gone and no post have come. Apologizes, I was wrapped up with too much work. But with out further duo here is the next chapter of Madame Royale:

The sun rays stream across the room as I shield my eyes. Maids pester me with clothing and my Aunt laces up the strings of my dress. A day of distress and chaos, all for a simple meet with a boy who is far more interested in war games then girls. Of course this is the Queens orders, that I am to be properly groomed and dressed. I must have the prettiest pink cheeks, the softest hair, and the most elegant dress. I must present myself with grace and confidence. I must be the most perfect.
Elisabeth smiles at my nervous expression and laughs bitterly. “You have not much to worry, you are pretty my darling”
My golden ringlets are quickly swiped from my face and pulled tightly into a blue hat. “You must not forget to smile, and laugh think of it as a performance. You are acting my dear”
“A play that will go must terrible I presume...” When they place a pearl necklace around my neck I rise and all fall silent. “Thank you madams, I think I am finished”
Aunt clutches me tightly and allows herself to carefully watch me. “Go Marie, he awaits”
He sits there so tall, leaning against the tree trunk gazing over the blue lake. The red roses and violets brush against his thigh as the green grass prickles under his feet. A boy filled with excitement and adventure.
I feel myself blush with shyness when suddenly his eyes meet mine. Quickly slipping into his blue shoes he rushes over by my side and grabs for my hands. “Marie I must show you something”. With a nod he tugs me over to the lake and quickly seats me onto the bed of flowers.
“I have brought you a sketch pad and ink; I thought you may want to draw the lake...just as Louise Elisabeth”
“Louis you did not have to...”
“But I did”
“Thank you” I smile brightly and kiss him briskly on his cheek.  A flare of red appears on his face and he quickly hides it by turning his head away from mine.  
I continue to face the blank page as I trace the lines gently on the sketch pad. Louis then looks over as his cold breath shivers up my spine. “Do you not want to play with my brothers?” I question. “It is much relaxing watching you, I’d rather sit here.”
It is my turn to flush and gently settling the paper to the grass I grab hold of his small 10 year old hands. “You will make a good husband” my voice whispers.
He then winces and quietly speaks. “And you a good wife”
Two years has passed, and I have since then aged to nine. Louis, my dear brother is six and my younger sibling is two. Are new little bundle has joined us, gone by the name Sophie. She is a fragile little thing so it seems. Her health seems to be poor and the doctors tell us nothing but to pray that the lord will keep her on earth.
Mother takes a great deal in her, visits her each day and rocks her in her arms. They say she has even arranged that her favourite painter, Louise Elisabeth to visit and paint the portrait of Sophie. I bite bitterly at my tongue as my heart feels with complete envy. I lived to be raised alongside with two brothers, and I was nurtured as the girl of the family, the Madame Royale. Now they have given birth to the another and it seems I am not much but a grown women meant to be wedded by now.
I cannot say that I do not love her though.  She smiles when spotting me grabbing hold to the rails and beaming for me to lift her. With a blessing from mother I hold the gentle creature smothering her with little kisses. She flies her arms in laughter and gurgles until the wet nurses enter wrapping her once more in warm blankets.
“Come Marie, we must go”
And as I turn once more to wave to my sister she bursts into a sudden ongoing sound of cries. Leaving me to pray.
God keep her, keep my family in one.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Blast From the Future (A Preview of historic figures entering the 21st century)

 (A Preview for the short story of historic figures entering the 21st century. BRING THE FIRST BATCH IN!)
Anne Boleyn: Where in gods name am I?
Store Cashier: Welcome to Starbucks, May I take your order?
Anne Boleyn: Starbucks...what in  the-
Isabelle of Castile: Where am I? I thought I was on my war campaign!!!
Cashier: ???
Henry the VIII: *Comes bursting in Jolly like grinning brightly* Ahh Food! My good lord serve me!
Anne Boleyn: *Smirks* Nice too see you...well that is the whole of you
Isabelle: Good Pun!!! And if you do not mind if I ask...who are you?
Store Cashier: Umm anyone wanna order? You're kinda blocking the line

Anne Boleyn: Shut up Henry *Turns to Isabelle* I am Queen Anne Boleyn
Isabelle: Well well *Examines Anne* The Scandal of Christendom...hmm weren't you the on who had destroyed my daughter's marriage?
*Mary Tudor and Catherine of Aragon Enter*: Yes dear mother. May God have pity on her soul
Anne Boleyn: *sighs* Catherine and Mary I apologized to you before and I apologize once more...
Catherine: *Sighs* Yes Anne please forgive me...I blame Henry *glares*
Henry VIII: Umm why does everyone stare at me this way...JANE!!! JANEY!!!
Cashier: *Muttering* Freaks...complete freaks...
Marie Antoinette: What in the world is this shouting? Oh Hello Albert, I'll have a latte
Cashier: Alright Marie coming right up
*Elizabeth Tudor enters*: Marie Antoinette? Isabelle of Castile? Father? Sister? Catherine?....MOTHER!
Anne Boleyn: My Elizabeth, my sweet sweet Elizabeth!
Random Mysterious person: Any room for more?
Cashier: Great more dressed up circus freaks

Anne Boleyn: can't be it's...Julius Caesar

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Madame Royale and News!

Yes, I know I've been delaying and I promise that the chapters will be posted right now, but I did as well want to bring news that may or may not excite you. I've decided to do a short piece of historic figures brought into the 21st century!

I will update soon on the news...but for now I present you the next chapter of the tragic Madame Royale!!!

“Another uprising...” I feel my voice drift away as my Aunt Elisabeth strokes my hair gently. She gazes off sighing deeply. “There is nothing to worry; your father will tend to those matters...Now a girl your age should be playing with dolls and gowns, not sneaking her nose around family business” She snaps. I know she means this in no way to offend me, for in her own she is trying to sooth me.
“I know...but it’s been happing so often I worry that one day they will storm the palace...and perhaps take my brother from me”
“No such thing will happen with the King on the throne”
“Auntie...” A tear trickles down my face as I turn to face her. “I cannot stand it if they were to take Louis from me. He is oh so young, and my brother. I’ve watched him grow with alongside papa and mama and I kept him safe from all those cruel things in the world”. My aunt grows dark and she quickly holds onto my small hands. “God bless you” is all she says before mother enters insisting we speak, alone.
“Madame Rambaud tells me about you and Louis” Queen Marie plays with my curls as she smiles in the mirrors reflection. “She says you’ve matured so much, she says you take good care of your brother” Her head rests back as she smiles proudly. Mother is yet pregnant again, carrying a baby in her womb.  Another prince is suspected- which causes are Uncle to snarl, for he is now third in line for the throne. “Darling, do you feel jealous for them? Please do tell me, I feel we have spoiled the boys too much” I feel a sudden startle as I shake my head quickly. “Of course not, I love them... how can I feel envy? They are boys after all, the heirs to the throne and I’ve learned to respect that”
“Marie Therese you shall make a fine wife for the Duke, my beauty” She traces my pale face then plants a kiss on my forehead. “I love you my princess so does your father” and without another word she rises as I bow a deep curtsey. “Come daughter walk with me”
Obeying I come to face her eyes as she hugs me warmly. After we link arms and stroll down the white marble halls as she begins to speak of renovations of the palace. “Perhaps changing the blue to a pretty yellow...” She places her hand onto the walls feeling the material. “And perhaps changing the stamp”
“Into a dove...” I suggest she turns and nods. “Precisely... a dove”
“Ahh the symbol of the goddess of love is it not?”
The voice causes me to wince as I turn to find the Duke himself standing before us. I feel the sudden pink flush on my cheeks and I try my hardest to contain it into its pale colour. Mother of course allows only the slightest grin and I feel my eyes widened. She had planned this, everything.
“I must be going, good bye dear” She allows me to bow finding the hard glare of mine, blazing on the back of her neck.
“Princess” Now it is the dukes turn as he bows and I allow him to rise with a slight dignity left in me. “You look beautiful ...”
“I feel most grateful...” I reply as I continue my walk over to the paintings. His scurrying sounds behind me as I try to keep a distance.  “An extraordinary picture tis not?”
He stares at my studying face until he breaks into his broad smile. “You seem dazed, Mademoiselle”
“I am...”surprised suddenly at my own confidence I try my hardest to act natural and continue on swiftly. “See that blue is so beautifully mixed with white, and that oceans texture is dotted to give it a feel, I presume it was painted by Louise-Elisabeth VigĂ©e-Lebrun...she had given a portrait of my mother before” the name seems to hang in the air before the duke speaks so gently I feel my knees are made of jelly. “A great artist take great deal in fine arts do you not?”
I meet his stare and nod slowly. “I hope to paint every day, and not care for the stains on my clothing...or on my face”
“I promise when we wed I shall create a studio for you...a personal room”
My head swirls to face him and I whisper the most quietly I can; “Thank you”
After a few words are exchanged I excuse myself for the day and bid him goodbye. Though, he catches my hand and begs to meet me tomorrow morning near the gardens. I agree, but with doubt completely.