Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Survival Quiz

So after weeks of testing and checking out quizzes I thought about and gave it a go. Now I will ask strange questions...or offer weird answers, but the choice is yours...


 The year is 1545
You are a pretty lady at court under the favor of the king Henry VIII and perhaps even his eye. It seems he has surfaced the idea of wedding....will you survive this man's marriage? Will you keep your head intact?

You'll just have to wait and see....

Questions #1: It is a hot summers day at the gardens and you and Henry are indulging into discussion when suddenly Henry questions your faith. You;
A. Proclaim that you are a firm Catholic
B. Confess that you are Protestant
Or C. Tell him that you are a firm follower of the church of England

Question #2:
All hail Queen you!
After a humble of weeks Henry has asked for your hand and proclaimed you Queen of England. Sadly Henry has quickly taken in a mistress. You;
A. Lash out in jealous rage
B. Ignore the affair and turn your head
Or C. Await to have the girl alone, then rip out those pretty locks!

Question #3
Henry seems to flourish a certain family of high class. Your friends complain of this injustice. You;
A. Cleverly slither the topic with Henry during a discussion and change his mind
B. Ignore! I don't want to risk losing my head!
Or C.  Create a burning argument until both you are worn out and leave in a tired fury

Question #4
You are ordered to Henry's chambers were he lies ill. He begs of some entertainment. You;
A. Read the bible aloud
B. Dance and discuss of the new clothing in France and Burgundy
Or C. Play him a soft tune on your lute until he has fallen asleep

Question #5
You awake one tired morning to find yourself in a terrible state. Hearing upon Henry's request to visit you stumble to get ready. But not much time awaits. You;
A. Bathe in donkey milk
B.Supply yourself with pomanders with musk
Or C. Simply do nothing

Question #6
As Henry and you sit alongside the grass enjoying cups of tea, guards barge through revealing a arrest warrant. The king stays steady while you suppress your nerves. You;
A. Beg forgiveness from the king, for what deed you have ever done that may have displeased him so
B. Weep gently turning to the broken lord.
Or C. Sweep away with the guards without any sort of acknowledgement to Henry

Last Question
Henry's family is at it's ruins. You are caught in between and must find a way to respond. You;
A. Ask that the king may bring all his children to court for the Christmas
B. Visit without his majesty's permission
Or C. Spoil Edward, the prince and ignore the daughters.

1. C (confessing you're a protestant will probably cause you to be in flames...literally)
2. B (Best to be silent, Henry is quite notorious for his temper)
3. B or A (Preferably B)
4. C (Henry takes enjoyment in theatrics and music. Fashion will just bore him)
5. B (Donkey's milk is quite effective, but will take a while. And C...that just simply not a good answer)
6. A (If your dealing with your life at the hands of Henry...Fight for it! Shower him with compliments or proclaim yourself his loyal loving wife...something like that)
7. A (Show equal love to all of them. Try to reconnect this broken family)

Well that's it, hope you survived this mans marriage life. Quite the stress isn't it? Let's just hope he won't get married again.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Blast From the Future


*The group head down for break fast*

Anne: So how did you sleep?
Marie Antoinette: Fine suppose, the bed is not as soft as I am used to... but fine
Isabelle of Castile and Julius: The bed is like armor, perfect for battle
Catherine and Mary: We had not slept, we prayed to gods guidance back home...
Elizabeth: And what of you mother and father?
Anne: *Grinning* I slept well, how bout you Henry?
Henry: *Rubs his neck groaning* Fine
Catherine: Finally he sees how it feels
Anne: *nodding* It was hilarious you should have seen it
Elizabeth: Father, mother compose yourself. Please make amends.
Anne: *Beaming* Of course, my good queen Bess
Alexander the great and Cleopatra: To your seats, madame and sir
Mary Tudor and Marie Antoinette: Oh what pretty style
*Henry seats down with Anne by his side* 
Catherine and Isabelle: *Smirking* I see you two do not mind each others company
Anne: No! By god I cannot stand that pig
*at other table*
Rasputin: Pretty ladies will you do the kindest of favors and leave that sweaty boar for I?
Marie Antoinette: *Giggles Child like* Oh you flatter us Monsieur
Mary: Indeed...what would my husband think
Elizabeth: *Patting her sister* oh Mary you deserve so much better
Anne: And how bout you Elizabeth where is Robert? *Teases*
Cleopatra: Sir we will need you to lower you voice, or the manager says will have to kick you out
Henry: and who is this manager?
Alexander the Great: Why your brother Arthur...
Catherine: My husband *rises quickly while Henry chokes in fear*
Arthur: My brother and Cat! *Turns to the girls* and who are these beautiful woman? *Plants kisses on Annes hands*
Anne: Anne Boleyn sir, and you?
Arthur: Prince of wales, must be Henry's sixth wonder he kept you
Anne: *Grinning* No I was second, he had my head swiped
Arthur: My god! Who could kill just a lady! Oh brother have you no taste? Ane what of gorgeous Catherine? Divorced?
Arthur: *narrows eyes* Secuirty
Anne and Catherine: I think you've had enough *smirks*
*Everyone bursts into laughters as the crapes are brough*
Elizabeth and Mary: Good day father! *Henry is carried by five sweating servants*
Cleopatra: Sorry to interrupt, but this miss says she is a part of your party...
Isabelle: Well show her in
Anne: *Gasps* No It could no be, get that wench out of my sight!
Marie Antoinette: What can ever be the problem
Elizabeth: Mother, calm down...
Mary and Catherine: Oh poor girl, you've just missed Henry
Unknown: It's fine, just go tell him...Jane Seymour is here

So it's been a long time since I posted something and I apologize, again. Anyhow I decided to bring in Anne's greatest enemy Jane (well not greatest but still an enemy) and see how the next time things unravel. Yes, Anne and Henry are starting to feel for one another and Rasputin decided to take a quick camo.
Next time Elizabeth will recoline with a "friend" Jane and Anne are going to have a cat fight, and Arthur and Catherine will ponder how life would have been with them married.

So till next time;
"A Blast from Plast"

Monday, February 13, 2012

Madame Royale

So here is the next chapter of Madame Royale! I'm still contemplating if I should post more Joan of Arcs chapters...not sure yet. So anyhow, here is Madame Royale!

Louis clings dearly to me as I soothe a quiet whisper. “Brave Louis, be a brave Prince” I pat down his blonde curls, while I plead for myself to be calm for his own sake. It does no use, he still whimpers in fear, cowering in the shadows. “Sister, why must Uncle and Auntie Therese leave?”
I purse my lips contemplating if I must lie. “Father thinks they will be safe, Louis. He thinks it will be best for them”
His mouth rises to ask yet another painful question, but to my fortune mother interrupts as she walks over solemnly through the door way. “Children, come say goodbye” Her eyes quickly catch mine and at once, I notice the emptiness. Mother usually carries herself with such grace, and dignity, but it seems that this swan Queen has fallen.
But who can blame her? So many deaths have arrived at court, taking our precious Sophie, and Louis. We have all become the fallen royal family.
“Yes, your grace” I tuck my hands into Louis’s as we march out. “Brave, Louis” I continue to mummer and he listens so carefully as if his life depends on it.
“Dear children!” My aunt bursts as she races to embrace us. Louis gives no second thought as he releases from my grip and clutches her tightly. I come in gradually, kissing the heads of my little cousins, bowing to my Uncle and finally reaching upon my hysterical Auntie, who in return pulls me in whispering prayers, and victory. “Everything shall be fine, we shall have our glory, those shall be punished, and everything will be fine”
Louis simply nods at this, but I know better, I know that nothing will ever be the same.
Elisabeth quickly fixes my hair, while she helps carry the luggage. We all rush into the carriage as she tightly clutches me, swiping my curls. “Listen, Marie, Listen”
I cannot even look at her face as she kisses my cheek gently. “You will go to the borders of Montmédy, I will come afterwards, but I must warn you child, that you will be questioned. If this does come so, you must keep in mind that you are no longer princess, so do not expect the same grace you receive. You must identify yourself as Rosaline, crossing to visit her ill grandfather, is this understood?”
I dare not trust my voice, so instead I bow my head, and with this she kisses my pale forehead smiling weakly; “God take care of you, my darling”
“I’ll pray, Aunt, I’ll pray god keeps you safe”
With this little exchange, she rises, stares upon me strongly- bearing the last picture of this forgotten princess and disappears without a second glace.
“Princess, Marie-”
I turn inhaling a sharp breath. “Lady Rosaline, Master William, I am to be Lady Rosaline” He nods and opens up the doors. “Of course, Milady”
“We shall start riding, soon. Shall I go tell the others?”
“No they will see, god speed William”
He inclines his head and strides forwards without another word. And as soon as the carriage begins to hustle and the heart of my childhood, my memories disappear from sight, I allow myself to grieve; I allow the long awaited tears to spill down my cheeks.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A little sample

I have decided to take a small break from Madame Royale, just for the moment and instead, experiment with a short writing piece, voiced from the great warrior, Joan of Arc. So here I present you with my draft copy, that most under go plenty of editing, so do not rage out at me because the writing may be sloppy, or boring. Anyhow here is the first sample of "The Virgin Warrior".

I stare dumbfounded as I bite nervously at my delicate lips. The flood of blood enters my mouth and I turn to wipe with the ends of my sleeves.
My food lies beneath my chained feet, left untouched, uneaten. And the wall isolating me from my army, from my victory, holds me tightly in a room that smells of death. I stare hopefully at the ceiling waiting for the angels- that once had lead me to the win of France, to lead me again for the mercy of my life.  
But the room remains plain, no glow of life sparks, or wings of heaven. My clenched hands unroll while I beg myself not to cry as my fingers pull at my hat and untangle my brown cropped hair. It is done, is it not?
I will be burned, as a heretic a stupid peasant. I will be flamed with a long pain of agony, of shame.
They shall not remember me as god’s servant nor the Virgin Warrior.
They shall not remember that I am, Joan of Arc.
Mother always taught us in Gods way. She brought us to chapels to pray, educated us throughout the bible and gifted us with the craft of spinning wool.
My family, along with my two wild brothers, and young sister Catherine live in a small cottage by the church near the village of Domrémy-la-Pucelle. Father works as a farmer and tax collector, while mama stays as a devoted wife, mother, and catholic. Our town is isolated by the Burgundian lands but still remains faithful to the true crown, the French.
The hundred year’s war has caused deaths of many round the country and the plague that had suddenly struck, killed half the population, and we not even third the number of the English army, lost to a miserable defeat. Our village was burnt to the ground by the blood lusting Londoners, and we poor and ill as ever struggle to rekindle it.
Mother hopes, and prays that god restores the king to his rightful throne. Father on the other hand, wishes that the people of England suffer a long painful agony.
“The damn English!!” Father bellows, pounding his fists against the wooden tables. Mama casts him a patient gaze as she serves the potatoes. “Jacques not in front of the children”
“They stole it Isabelle! The damn English stole the lands of Calais!”
“Jacques!” Her voice is sharp and powerful. She rises with authority and soon calms down her composure. “Let us say our prayers and eat quietly” This causes father to flush and nod in agreement. “Forgive me children; do as your mother says”
My sister knits her eyebrows pulling at my dress, inquiring so sweetly; “Why do Mama and Papa Fight?”
“Do not worry, now eat Catherine”

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Madame Royale

So finally I can publish a post one day after! Here is Madame Royale, longer than the previous article!

So here it is!

Madame Royale

The voices in my head plead for me to calm down, return to Louis and yearn for his comfort. Yet, there I stampede, storming through the marble halls, refusing, even against my own will to turn back. My brother, needs me most, my desires are no matter.
Before they can announce my name, I slam the doors wide open and stare, gasping for breath. “Louis, Louis”
“Princess Marie!” The nurses exclaim, as they sweep quickly into curtseys and I bow in return. “Where is my brother?”
“The Prince lays asleep, your grace”
The continues reports of my brothers frail health muffles in my ears and I push away the ladies while I come upon the entrance of the bedchambers.
And the sudden nauseous wave suddenly hits me belly and I must hold onto something, something. Luckily, as if he was always there, holds Louis Antoine, his grip firm yet so warm and kind. “Strong, Marie, stay strong”
But my eyes cannot wander; wander from my brothers crumpled body, his dry pale skin, his hollow red eyes, his white lips. “Strong Marie” He chanters and once I do listen, I allow Louis to bring me aside from this ill room, from this death room.
Aunt Elisabeth plaits my hair, looping each locket carefully and delicately. She whispers tales of the beautiful virtuous Susanna and the wicked elders who lusted for her. Once refusing, they sentenced her to death, but yet her true husband conquered and saved his damsel in distress.  
She pulls the tiny threads of my night gown and adds rose water upon my face. The ladies lace the cap of on my head and tuck in my braid, when finally, abruptly; Auntie dismisses them off and settles us both into the sitting chairs.
“Lady Aunt?” I inquire
“Marie, my beauty, I am so sorry”
My eye brows arch and I dare not to speak, for we both know what she is about to say. “I am so, so sorry, Marie, truly”
I can feel the muscles of my jaw tense as I clench my teeth hard, taming the tears that have started to gather behind my eyes. Her hands clasp around mine as she whispers softly and hums an old nursery rhyme. But it cannot solve the pains in my chest. “Is he...dead?”
Her eyes move to over gaze my shivering face, as she inclines her head. “No...But his health...they say he has not much to live...they say he is long dead”
“Not my brother, my god not my brother!” my body shakes in wrath with tears as Elisabeth soothes me.
But it cannot be done. Why must god punish me?
What year is it? I cannot remember, and how can I? What does it matter when my angelic brother is not there, tugging at my dress, sending me flowers? What does it matter when his intelligent blue eyes, beam no light, but lay in the cold marble floors?
Not even Louis can rekindle my broken heart. Nothing can.
We praised the lord, when he restored the prince to his health. Yet, my ever weak brother fell deathly ill two years later. His body, so small, so weak, could not withhold, and he passed. Just this cold October.
Sophie has disappeared into this thin air, and now has Louis. Am I to come forward? Am I to take deaths hand?
Will my only living sibling, Louis live? Or shall we all crumble to pieces?
Or has fate spun their fine yarn, to hand us a worse destiny? A penalty worse than death?
Our country falls before our very eyes, fathers position is questioned, and our sworn servants, sent packed far from this, Reign of terror.
Perhaps fate, waits for the peasants to strike, to split my family...perhaps they will discharge them with a shameful death. Or perhaps me? I am eleven, no more a girl to them, I have royal blood and flesh, a cost not worth gambling for. Shall I die at the guillotine, with my head held before the crowd, my blood spilt upon the decks?
I pray, I pray for my brother and sister to guide us through this hell, to extend their hands and seek us help.
God knows, what is to happen, only God.

A Blast From the Future

Anne Boleyn: Shut up...the bigger question is who are they *points*
Alexander The Great: Alexander the Great, beautiful Madame
Elizabeth: I'm sorry is this guy flirting with my mom?
Mary Tudor: hmm some would say she was bewitching
Henry Tudor: YOU SEE YOU ARE A WITCH!!!!
Anne Boleyn: *Rolls eyes* Idiot, I'm sorry I ever married you
Catherine Of Aragon: Though, I despised it, you and Henry always had a strong spark
Anne and Henry: WAIT WHAT?
Julius Caesar: What a peculiar couple...anyhow Cleopatra what in gods and goddesses name do you do here?
Cleopatra: *Smiles* Oh! I work here, welcome to Hotel Greenhedge
Isabelle of Castile: Green Hedge???
Alexander the great: oh yes, just sign here, and I will show you to your rooms
Elizabeth Tudor: Of course, something new in the modern days...Me and Marie Antoinette will stay in one room, Catherine and Mary, Julius and Isabelle, and errm Dad and Mom
Anne Boleyn: Honey I thought you'd want to be with me?
Elizabeth Tudor: Of course I would mother! But I thought.that...well umm it's best if you and dad work out your differences
Anne Boleyn: Elizabeth, my darling I'd rather lose my head again then share a room with him
Marie Antoinette: I think I will go....
Catherine, Mary, Isabelle, and Julius: Same...
Elizabeth: Mother, I know...that father... may be frustrating at times, but please please?
Anne: Shut up Henry, she was the greatest ruler alive. She destroyed the Spaniards, created the golden age, and built a better England than you could ever have built!
Anne: *smirks* so you think me pretty? Thank you *walks off with Elizabeth*
Mary and Catherine's Room
Mary: Mother, where are we?
Catherine: I don't know, darling
Mary: It is so much different from the bed chambers in England...I mean what is this...hole in a chair?
Catherine: I think they call it, "a toilet"
Mary:*Aghast* Well where does it go then?
Catherine: *Joins her side* A pipe...I think
Mary: Oh never mind that, where do we pray, sweet mother?
Catherine: *Shocked* I DON'T KNOW *Both faint*
Elizabeth and Marie's room
Elizabeth: I'm worried about mother and father *sigh*
Marie: It's alright, I wonder, for my whole life for the poor fate of my murdered son, and my lost daughter
Elizabeth: What happened to her? 
Marie: She was left untold of our deaths for weeks, she was alone and uncertain of her own fate. It wasn't until, my poor girl, heard from our old servant that we each died and that she was now on her own. Her destiny, was to be as ours, but Austria managed to grasp her, she was banned to exile and sent t the courts of my old home. Wedded, and left childless, yet her husband and her stayed in love, no matter what *wipes tear*
Elizabeth: *comes over* I'm sorry, my mother was executed when I was only three and my father dared not to meet me, I was left stripped from my tittle and forgotten.
Marie: *sigh* if only we were born this century, if only...
Julius and Isabelle
Julius: Isabelle of Castile are you not?
Isabelle: Yes, and you are mighty Julius Caesar, murdered by his own council
Julius: hmph *smirks* and you died with your whole kingdom falling to pieces
Isabelle: Yes, but I was a warrior, a Queen of strength, courage, and wit
Julius: I, was a Roman Emperor, creator of a whole new world, legend beyond all. Now if you excuse me Madame, I must use this erm...chair
Isabelle: *smirks* toillet

Henry and Anne's room
*Anne and Henry walk huffing into the rooms*
Anne: Good god! One bed?!
Anne: Well this is simple, I sleep in the bed, you on the ground
*At Night*
*Henry sleeping on ground*
Anne: You never won, Henry, you just killed you way until it was in you own liking *snarls*
Henry: Don't even say anything else,
Anne: Why scared I'm going to humiliate you?
Henry: *Red Faced* Not another word
Anne: *Laughing uncontrollably* Your Tudor temper is kicking in!

So this is it for now. A blast for a past will come again with new characters and new situations!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Madame Royale

So, yes days have gone and no post has appeared. I apologize, really. I was piled with all this work, and posting something seemed like an impossibility, so without further ado here is Madame Royale! This week it's really short, compared to my previous posts, and once agian I apologize!

Blast From the Past will be posted very soon!
I'm testing a bit with a little short story, from the view of the warrior of France, Joan of Arc. I will perhaps send it, not yet sure...

Madame Royale

I saddle into my black pony, patting down his dark mane. The muscles move calmly as I rest my head upon his neck. I feel powerful on my beauty. I feel like Joan of Arc.
He lets out a whine and I allow a smile, perhaps the first after the death of Sophie.  “Let us ride my mighty stead!”
With a thunder of feet the guards ride cautiously behind as I speed throughout the gardens of the castle. “Princess Marie Therese slow down!”
But the voice is muffled in the enduring amount of excitement arising inside of my belly. I scream in laughter, as my beauty continues on in rounds of laps and laps. When I finally run out of air I halt and watch as the guards rush franticly behind. “Princess Marie!” It is none other than my lovely Louis Antoine.
I whisper my pride in the strong stead’s ear until I drop carefully from my horse, arranging my skirts most carefully. My chin is brought high into the air revealing my curled lips and Louis notes this back with his radiating grin. “Princess” He tips his hat and I bow deep into a curtsey. “Duke”
I extend out a hand, in which he takes most graciously and he kisses it lightly as he brings me around his elbows. We both exchange the quietest of glances as we make are way round the green hedges and trees. Words are not exchange, and we both keep silent, it is not till when he waves the troops away does he grab me strongly and huffs out quickly. “Your brother, Louis Joseph...the Prince his health has been failing him” He awaits for my sharp tongue to lash out, but instead, taken by surprise he sees me breathing heavily and eyes swelling. “No, lord, not him, anything just not him”
“No, Louis, God leave him! Not my brother!”
“Marie!” His arms come round my waist as he tries to soothe out my uncontrollable wincing. “Marie, he will gain his health” “Shh Marie...”
“I want to see him” I snap. “What?”
“I want to see Louis, now”
“He lays ill in bed, Marie, doctors allow no is for his own good”
I want to see my brother” I bite harshly down into my bitter words, while Louis, begs me to settle. “I bid you good day Duke” I turn on my heels and disappear, before my mind can inflict even more pain on him.