Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Blast from the Past

As promised.

Anne Boleyn: *huffing* Get her out of my sight!
Elizabeth Tudor: Mother, calm, steady breathes...
Catherine of Aragon: *Ignoring the commotion* So Jane how do you fair?
Jane Seymour: *seating herself* Fine, and you?
Catherine of Aragon: Tired, I could not sleep
Mary Tudor: Neither could I. Oh Jane I've missed you and so has Edward! 
Jane Seymour: *Plasters a demure smile* So have I dear.
Henry VIII: *Comes bursting in* AH MY SWEET JANEY! 
Jane Seymour: Majesty
Anne Boleyn: Oh please, must you act so mousy? Get a back bone!
Elizabeth Tudor: Mother?!
Marie Antoinette: I think I shall go discuss a bit with Julius Caesar
Julius: Yes, Cleopatra come join us and Isabelle of Castile if you'd please
Cleopatra: *Smiles dashingly* Why of course, Alexander the great would not mind if I took a break
Isabelle of Castile: *Shrugging* I see why not. Now let's seat next to Napoleon, I have war tactics to discuss.
Anne Boleyn: *Scorns* I think I shall join as well. Arthur would you join?
Arthur: Of course Madame and your beautiful daughter as well? 
Elizabeth Tudor: *Laughing* Flattery does not suit you sir
Arthur: It was worth a try
Maire Antoinette: *Sighing* I think I shall seat with Rasputin. Looking at the man that preceded after my head was swiped from my neck leaves a unsettling feeling in my stomach.
Isabelle of Castile: As you please, daughter shall you join?
Catherine of Aragon: I shall stay here to chat with Arthur
Arthur:*Stops Following Anne* Alright.
Anne Boleyn: *Glaring at Jane Seymour* wait one second my darling Bessy
Anne Boleyn: No it is not! Come over here you stealing husband, bloody, schemer! 
Jane Seymour: You are angry because I gave birth to a son! Something Henry always wanted!
Anne Boleyn: Ha! I should care less my Lizzy created the golden age! Become the greatest ruler known to man!
Henry VIII: ladies no need to fight
Anne and Jane: SHUT UP HENRY!

Catherine of Aragon: Do you ever think of what would have happened had we married
Arthur: I would have treated you with the most respect *smiling*
Catherine of Aragon: And would you have accepted Mary as you true heir if I had given birth to no other child
Arthur: Of course! 
Catherine of Aragon: *Sigh* We shall never know
Arthur: No we shan't 
Catherine of Aragon: Perhaps life would be more peaceful *gazes to Jane and Anne*

Isabelle of Castile: BRILLIANT! You sir are a genius I should have thought of that
Napoleon: Thank you Madame ze is the most kindest of compliments *grins*
*At other Table*
Marie Antoinette: I don't have an appetite today
Rasputin: May I? *Pokes at her plate*
Marie Antoinette: Of course *observing at Napoleon* He does not recognize me!
Rasputin: ?

Jane Seymour: It is not fair why should you have a whole website dedicated to you?
Anne Boleyn: What feeling Jealous?
Jane Seymour: NO! I gave birth to a son
Anne Boleyn: A boy who was ruled over by his Uncles.
Henry VIII: Janey, my sweet, let us go
Jane Seymour: NO!
Anne Boleyn: Hmph not sweet anymore is she Henry?
Elizabeth Tudor: This is getting ridiculous, Mama I will be in my room Adieu!
*Enters at the west wing pressing at the button*
Unknown: In a rush dear?
Elizabeth: *Muttering* No, no
Unknown: Love, have you missed me?
Elizabeth:  Missed you? *Looks up* Oh my god! Robert Dudley what in heavens are you doing here!
Robert: Joining in on the fun, you know I can't resist
Elizabeth: *Sighing* This is going to be really complicated....

That's it for now. I'll try update soon, so enjoy your week and remember till next time...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sorry :(

Before I post anything, I would like to begin with an apology.

I was busy with so much work and publishing any post was difficult. Any how, I'll try to become more active, so for now I'll leave you with a chapter of Madame Royale.

Next time is Blast from the Past.

Thanks for all the views and support!

The pounding of a strong fist causes me to startle, from my cold sleep. I wipe urgently at my damp skin and slip open the window, only to find William frantically pulling at the handles. “Your grace, you must run! They are to escort you back to Paris! Run you grace! Run!”
“William, calm yourself! What in god’s name do you speak of?”
I see the anxiety rush across his trembling face, whilst he chokes; “Your majesty, they have discovered the plan, they are to take your family back to Legislative Assembly, you must leave!”
My hands reach for my throbbing temple as I catch a deep breath. “No, it cannot be...where are my father and mother, the King and Queen?”

“Your family has been taken, your grace. But they beg that you leave, to not seek any pain or harm”
“No harm?” I let out a strangled sob before darting open the doors. “William pull free a horse, I must ride...”
“Where will you go, Madame?”
“To the docks, perhaps there will be some merchants that can lend me traveling gear. But before I go William, I shall want you to send word to my family”
“Anything for you, Milady”
This causes a smile to curl up my dried lips as I turn to the exhausted horses. “Tell them, that that I have flown to my homes nest”
His face fills with a complete confused looked, yet he still lowers himself and swears to his loyalty. “I stay true for you milady, and your family”
“God bless you William” Soon as he helps me saddle onto my horse, I pull the reins of my mare tightly and burst on forwards. “God speed!” He shouts and in return I bow.
I must muster an army in Austria, I must restore my family.